How to Use Your Internal Messy Bits to Skyrocket Your Biz’ Success


One of the things I talk about in this episode is Business Journaling.

Didn’t know that was a thing did ya?

Ask my clients. They know. They do it. And fully understand now why it’s so necessary. Plus, it’ll become an easy and readily available resource for you.

So, of course, I created a course on how to get started.

In this online course, I’ll show you how to MINE (spell) your mind for the clues you hold within, to create your more wildly successful business.

We journal in our personal lives to help us grapple with whatever is going on. Why not for our business as well?

To get started on this beautiful journey inward, with and for your business, head to the link in the Show Notes to access the course.

Talk about a gamechanger!

Alrighty, let’s get to this week’s episode.

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I’ve heard it said that the only way to change your life is to change yourself. I tend to agree.

When you’re not being who you need to be to create the success you want in your life—to live a more meaningful life AND have a wildly successful business, you need to face what you’re doing now and change what needs to be changed.

It does you no good to keep doing the same crappy, unproductive actions and not doing what needs to get done.

So, how do you condition yourself for success? In other words and, more straight to the point…how do you get out of your own way?

For me, it means figuring out what it is that I want and then defining what success for that thing looks like.

Makes sense, right?

It means becoming more self-aware. Creating the micro steps needed for you to start moving toward that place that’s calling you.

Through this work, you’ll soon start to notice a difference between what you did before and what’s happening for you now.

The way we’re able to see the difference between our then and our now is with analytics.

Analytics, through all the different bits of software you use, helps you measure your external output, showcasing the different timeframes.

But there’s another way that helps.

Recording your efforts through the written word.

Hear me out.

Adding biz journaling to your repertoire of resources you’ll be able to give all those analytics some context, some meaning…to stay the course or pivot because you’ll have a more complete picture of what’s going on both internally AND how it’s showing up for you externally.

And it’s through this recording of notes and thoughts and feelings (yeh, that too), you will become accountable to yourself.

Success isn’t a straight road you travel.

It’s made up of twists and turns…ups and downs…where you ebb and retract one minute, and FLOW like a tranquil moving stream the next.

At the same time it means also being aware that the path you’ll be taking will not be all rosy and light as you face the challenges you’ll encounter, but knowing that when you’re feeling down, that it’s not the end of your story of success.

It’s just a blip in the road that you need to get past.

It means being okay with it being messy at first, and often, but committing to stay in it. Allowing yourself to be imperfectly you.

Thing is, when you’ve been stuck in the same/same of your life for so long, you no longer recognize yourself in it.

You’re just moving along to the same marching orders you’ve been adhering to for forever!

That’s when you know it’s time for change, when you don’t even recognize yourself or the days passing by.

It’s time to allow your heart to lead, instead of your logical headspace filled with illogical, irrational, no-longer-about-you negative thoughts.

And, especially when doubt and loneliness is your only regular companion (as solopreneurs, this can be a big part of our life in business)

I know, I know, sometimes starting that change journey can be so fricken hard. That’s why harnessing the discipline now, the one that’s needed to create the change you seek, is important.

It’s how you up-level #allthethings in your biz instead of only thinking and wishing for this up-levelling transition to begin.

AND, it’s how you’ll create a more meaningful life.

One where you wake up each day, not with your previously-held drudgery, but with a feeling you’re energized to fulfil.

Who do you need to be today to be the person you’re aching to become, so you can experience that life AND feel good about embracing all that that it entails?

— Who is she?
— What does she need to do?
— How will she (aka you) move beyond where you are now?
— What is necessary for you to start this process, this way of being?

What do you need to think, do or be to begin?

I have some thoughts on how to start.

1. Do. Your. Inner Work.

I’m gonna be like a broken record on this. I’m telling ya.

Now this could be as simple as journaling your thoughts or as daring as hiring someone to help you do that intensive work (hello there!).

That’s one way to get it out and have accountability too.

Do some digging into why certain habits you still employ have stalled your efforts. Write down the thoughts you think on a daily.

I cannot emphasize this part enough.

(btw, writing with pen and paper does the trick better than using a keyboard, but to each their own, just get to writing).

Lucky for you, I have a course available, Biz Journaling 101, that would be perfect to help you start.

I‘ll leave a link the Show Notes.

Cause this is the way in to get underneath what might be keeping you stuck or when you find you’re unable to push yourself more.

2. Ask yourself, who do need to be to be proud of the life you are living?

Ohhhh…I know, right! This question. Ooh!

Who DO you need to be, to be proud of who you are and what you’re doing?

Sometimes we forget to love on ourselves cause we’re so busy doing.

This is the one question I continually ask myself cause in the hustle of biz, I can soon forget who she wants me….no, who she needs me to be at all times.

Okay, this 3rd one is especially for anyone not already in business, not looking to be in biz and still may be a good recheck for those who are.

3. Think outside yourself.

What can you do to be of service?

I think we forget that in order to receive, we need to start giving.

How can you give of yourself to help others? And if you’re doing this now as part of your biz, how can you give that has nothing to do with monetary compensation?

Because sometimes, it’s in the doing for others that we stumble upon a bigger purpose that helps us create more meaning in our lives.

How can you immerse yourself in this thinking? What do you need to do or let go of to allow yourself to get there?

Even better, how can you live this life starting now?

Here are some thoughts…affirmations really, to help you stay true as you answer these questions.

Remember, affirmations help refocus the brain into half-glass full thinking rather than half-glass empty drowning-in-sorrows negativity.

Plus, it helps thwart your IBSC’s efforts, (remember, that’s your Itty Bitty Shitty Committee. You know what I’m talking about)

They want to come in and shut down all of your self-inquiry.

Don’t let them.

Okay, here we go.

#1 — I don’t have the answers but I trust that they will be revealed to me.

(that’s asking your intuition to come to the forefront)

#2 — I choose to let go of the results I think I want and, instead, I am open to the possibilities awaiting me.

#3 — I don’t judge my negative feelings when they show up because they contain important information for my rising.

#4 —To hone my self-awareness and what’s happening around me, I will regularly tap into how I’m feeling. (yup, needs to be regular)

#5 — The actions I take determine my reality….NOT the other way around.

#6 — I sprinkle my magic wherever I step, including on my own path.

(this last one I still use because my brain sometimes loses the plot…)

#7 — I am a thought leader. I am a change-maker. Don’t doubt! (those last 2 words are a part of it too)

Listen, to be inspired by life live a life that inspires you!
(mic drop moment 🎤)

Let this be the beginning of you planning your next life adventure, be that in business or not.

Okay, before I go, I want to leave with these words from a writer, Victoria Erickson, whose words I found beautifully resonate with the work that’s calling to me these days.

”If you inherently long for something, become it first”.
If you want gardens, become a gardener.
If you want love, embody love.
If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation.
If you want peace, exude calmness.
If you want to fill your world with art, begin to paint.
If you want to be valued, respect your own time.
If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself.
This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch”.

Hit me up in the DMs on Insta, which part of this episode landed for you most.

Alrighty then, till next time,

Be Brave.
Be Bold.
Stay Badass.

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Break free from the doubt. Unlock your biz brain. Learn how to journal for your biz.
➢Start with Biz Journaling 101:

➢ Learn how 👉🏽
➢ Purchase the
Quarterly Biz Planner (the WTM)
➢ Download
The Stress-Free Way to Boost Your Productivity Workbook
➢ Book a
 FREE Biz Mindset Consult

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There is intention and purpose behind our inner pauses that allow us to experience our own grace. This is when we are our most brave, bold & badass selves.

Grace HowesComment