How to Be a Scientist in Your Business to Decipher Your Brain’s Story Codes


Hey there, welcome to this weeks podcast episode.

Before I begin I want to remind you about the complimentary calls I’m doing right now, basically a 30 for 30.

If there’s stuff coming up for you in your biz & life that you could use a sounding board on, an objective ear to parse things out, these calls are perfect for you. You’ll have a full 30 minutes to get coaching on whatever you need support with.

In exchange, I get to ask you some questions about your experience of mid-life. I want to get input from the very women who experiencing this transition and get their take on what it means and how it affects their life and, consequentially, their business.

There’s a link in the Show Notes to book this all-important call with me. Don’t hesitate or sit on the sidelines on this one. Grab it and let YOUR voice be heard.

Alrighty, let’s get to this episode on decoding your brain.

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Is it possible to decode your brain so you skyrocket in your business? In a word…yes.

Today I’m talking about how to be a scientist in your business to help you decipher your brain’s story codes.

What are story codes?

They’re the things the IBSC part of your brain (Itty Bitty Shitty Committee) likes to have you believe about yourself when they’re not actually true.

But it leaves some story codes to help break through.

There are certain things we hang on to, stories we tell ourselves about a myriad of things.

For instance when I started my 1st business way back when I held on to the notion that I couldn't have a wildly successful business no matter how hard I tried.

I thought that because I didn’t have a business degree, I felt I couldn’t own a take-me-serious business.

I know right? Boggles my brain even today that I had thought.

Back then I sold products and the line I told myself on repeat, designing, making and selling my art quilts was... "I'm just an artist. I’m not savvy at business".

Whoa! Talk about deflating one's own self-confidence bubble right from the start.

Is this something you tell yourself as well, that you don't have the chops to do the work you're choosing to do?

Or is it some other story, like this, that you repeat to yourself?

...almost like there is something wrong with you.

That deep down you believe reaching your goals is absolutely impossible in your current iteration.

(or just maybe the opposite is true?)

You hold on to the story that says changing that one thing about you will magically make things better or different for you.

Girl, this work will never be as easy as just snapping your fingers. Aladdin and his magical 3-wishes lamp are not gonna rescue you.

And besides, it's not that you need rescuing anyway. It's that the mindset you have no longer serves the person you are today or are becoming.

But how can you move through this?

How can you get to the other side of these thoughts and beliefs that try to circumvent your efforts at creating a wildly successful business?

I'm about to drop 2 ways on you right now.

  1. Bear witness to these feelings you're having.

Yup. A simple one in theory but I can attest, so much harder sometimes in practice.

To get beyond where you are you will have to acknowledge that these “feelings” exist in you.

It won’t help you to shy away from them or deny them the room to inform you. They, too, have wisdom for you, believe it or not.

And by the way, these feelings, now that you'll be giving them room to be felt, they're all normal.

Allowing them to rise to the surface is how you'll activate your brave power so you can step outside of them so they no longer cause major mischief and hassle externally for you.

Have you been inquisitive enough over the years to find out what it is they need to tell you?

Unless you go there, you won’t be able to answer this next question at all…. Are these feelings rooted in fear or is it that your inner true knowing trying to inform you?

As they surface, stay in the space where they're showing up so you can do the work to decrease their toll on your mental energy.

Also, Is there a way to shift them so that things don't feel so heavy?

Here are a few more questions you can ask yourself to access the information about what's happening internally...

—How can the person you are today, aware and in control of your boundaries, show up in business without constantly taxing your mental capacity?

—How can you lean into trust and intention?

—How can you be more curious about the open possibilities in front of you?

—How can you use this as an experiment, instead of thinking of it as drudgery or irritating?

When you get these answers, continue with the questions like…

—How can you be in alignment with these truths so you can begin to take intentional action and change the narrative you believe?

What can you do, now that you know what’s behind them, to create a more energetic space within and around you, so you can take that intentional action?

(by the way, I’ve created a PDF of all of these questions you can download and take some time answering. Link is below)

I remember reading an email from one of my mentors about her garden and how her year of experimenting was about allowing her garden to tell her the stories it needs her to know about the growth that happens there.

She thought she'd cut back all the peas and yet, they still showed up co-mingling with the cucumber vines waiting for her to pick them. The stories her peas needed to share weren’t finished.

She needed to understand the why and how of them so she could effectively change tactics the following year.

I akin this garden wisdom to you allowing your feelings to share its wisdom with you, rather than trying to follow some obscure rule about how things should be for you in your business. Screw that!

It’s about being your own internal, free-spirited scientist, experimenting when and as you need to.

(can a free-spirited scientist exist? Let’s go with a big gigantic YES on that)

Two of the things I remember implementing a few years ago were because I chose to bear witness to what I was feeling at the end of the previous year.

The wisdom that came to me was:

1st - Leap when it feels good (my habit has been to research a thing endlessly, eventually leading me to do nothing at all)

2nd - Slow my pace when things feel off so that I can easily institute an intentional pause in my day or work as necessary.

I know, I know, these 2 opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum ways to approach what happens seem incongruent, but implementing them helped to greatly improve my overall energetic FLOW.

Jen Carrington, a biz strategist and podcaster wrote this recently,

Business is messy and beautiful and full of highs and lows. And ultimately it is a quiet room where we have to be brave enough to show up for ourselves, our vision for our work and our life every single step of the way.

This is how I think of our work as solo entrepreneurs. Being brave enough to withstand the highs and lows while showing up and bringing our particular flavour of Beingness to the mix.

Also, to ride the waves we encounter while still creating sustaining momentum of good work so we can be more conscious of ourselves.

Okay, here’s number 2.

  1. CHOOSE to do something about what you’re feeling.

(by the way, this is the action bit that needs to come next)

So if choosing something means getting support from a friend, colleague, mentor or coach then, by all means, reach the HECK out.

A couple of years ago I sat down for a whole 2 hour long intensive with a new coach I’d hired. Not that look back on it, it was heavenly!

You see, for about 3 or 4 days after I discovered her while listening to a podcast I might add (hint, hint), I resisted following the breadcrumbs the spirit of my business was telling me about needing more marketing clarity, to create the shifts I wanted to create in my business.

(remember, my pattern before was months on end of "researching" to find the perfect whatever I happen to be looking for)

But this time I trusted where she was leading me and, after just a few days of contemplation AND a little bit of research (can't forget that can I?), I leapt and booked a complimentary call with her.

I left that call knowing that I would hire her to help me.

Okay, truth be told, I actually got on the call knowing I would hire her and talking with her proved my instincts correct.

I was that ready for the change Wanted to implement with her help.

We talked for 2 mind-blowing, informative hours, going over all aspects of my business and where I needed to concentrate my visioning eyeballs to achieve this new-ish goal of mine.

I came away with renewed energy (to fuel that sustaining momentum) and a fire in my belly about what I could do, what I wanted to do and what I would be doing to continue to grow so I can keep serving the badass bunch of women I work with.

I’ve only worked with her this one time because what she offered—an intensive look at where I was and what needed to come next was EXACTLY what I needed…at that time.

Jumping…and realizing that the net will appear because you have your own back keeps you going strong.

And, trusting that you and your intuition, know the way.

Even if it’s just the next few steps in front of you and getting the support you need to keep going.

Cause, sometimes that’s all you need to carry on.

If you are struggling with your own "head gunk" that continues to create a cloudy haze around you, that has you not making clearly defined decisions or not any at all, if you feel you’re not really showing up fully as yourself, your J-O-B is to find a way through this morass that's holding you back.

AND, not being hesitant or caught up in worry or negative what-ifs thinking to do something, to do anything about it.

Reach out to those in your circle who can help.

Don't be like I was before, waiting for that perfect time to come around.

There is no perfect time! There is only now, this moment, with time marching on and you on the sidelines waiting for the miracle to appear. are your own 1st miracle. I want to receive that message loud and clear! To get out of your way, you gotta take that 1st step to get out of your way.

You need to do the leaping, just like I chose to do.

So those 2 ways to I shared to get you to the other side of whatever it is you’re encountering?

1st — Acknowledge the feelings being brought up + get clear on why they’re showing up now.

2nd — Choose to do something about it, to change or shift your current state of affairs. Reach out!

Remember, all of this I’ve included as a free download (using the link at the end of this transcript)

So, what happens when you choose either or both of these options?

  1. You’re able to manage your head gunk more effectively and it becomes less intrusive in your day to day.

  2. You begin to confidently show up as yourself more often, not some cookie-cutter version of someone else (psst….even if it’s someone you admire).

  3. You no longer compare yourself to anyone else (hello social media scroll) because you realize that what they do and how they do it matters not in how YOU do things.

  4. You’ll def notice an uptick in your revenue because you're no longer standing in the way of your own success.

  5. …the most beautiful thing, your people will begin to find you more often AND want to work with you because you're so much more clear on who you are and are confidently present her to the world.

Sometimes you gotta be a scientist, an investigator in your own business experience.

And that just means understanding the nuanced ways your brain works and using that info to advance you to your next level.

This time, it’s not about another new, logical strategy to pursue.

Sometimes it’s about getting in your head and understanding how YOUR brain ticks, and why, so you can decode the false stories it wants you to believe.

Leave a comment below on what one thing registered for you about what I shared

Ok, see you next time.

Till then,

Be Brave.
Be Bold.
Stay Badass.

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There is intention and purpose behind our inner pauses that allow us to experience our own grace. This is when we are our most brave, bold & badass selves.

Grace HowesComment