Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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who are you really???

Who are ya???

Today I’m going to give you a challenge but first...

I got my space back y’all and this girl is happy, happy happy. Back in January I gave it up for a good reason at the time (we had a long term guest staying here) and then it turned into a not so good a decision after all, and it disrupted our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

But holy smokes y'all I’m back in my space and I couldn’t be more pleased to have a dedicated place to call my own once again.

In looking back at why it made me so fricken stinkin, blissfully happy (yes, all of that!) to be back in my awesome office/studio, I attempted to answer an age old question: what make me...well, me?

Stay with me here 😉.

The person that I am, especially in business, is one who needs space to just BE, and being able to go to a dedicated place to do the work I do makes me extremely happy.

Most of us are in go mode all day every day but have you ever sat down and attempted to answer this question....what makes you, YOU? 

For instance, what make me so giddy happy to be back in a room that contains 4 doors—all on 3 walls no less (ikr!!) with a light switch that’s on the compete opposite wall of the door to enter it and a room that faces the street which makes recording videos sans background noises an impossibility?

It’s called ... I. Need. My. Space.

 can close every single one of those doors and be ensconced in my own world, getting my sh*t done. 

What makes me, ME? I wrote about it in this blog post where I actually asked you the question “What's your you-ness about?” and then attempted to answer it myself in 5 singular, profound words. 

They were... 

Quiet. Authentic. Vibrant. Observant. Meticulous.

Of course I could add many more to that mix but these 5 truly speak to the heart of who I am. They especially answer the 1st question I posed to the participants in my course*, An Inner Journey, where you go on a journey to answer the question ....Who Are You? 

* click the link to be notified when the next one starts

So here's the challenge...

Can you come up with just 5 words to describe the complete, total essence of who you are?

If someone were reading your biography 100 years from now, what 5 words would they immediately be able to pull out from reading about your life and how you lived it? 

Think on this. Ruminate (I love that word!) a bit more and choose the top 5 words that make you, YOU. Mmmmmh.... 

This is what my e-course, An Inner Journey, is all about. A 6 week course on finding out about yourself at your core. Simply put, it's about getting to the essence of who you are. 

Don't want to wait for the next round of An Inner Journey, head here to download my PDF Your Personal Manifesto. In it you'll answer some questions to get you started on finding out more about you and, after completing it you'll come away with your own Life Manual.

Because knowing ourselves better means that we're better equipped to handle life's ups and downs. Cause life is crazy like that. Crazy good and crazy ehhh, right?

Anyhoo, take care till next time,


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Don't forget, Journal Circle has started! The last Friday of the month we'll be gathering in circle to chat and write and share. Don't worry of you missed the 1st one, there's 4 more in this session for you to join in.

Next circle is Friday, August 31st, 11:00am PDT

Joining in is FREE but registration is required. Click here to learn more or, if you're ready to join us register immediately here. I'll send a reminder notice out the day before our circle begins.