Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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What's your you-ness about?

Usually we don't think about this question do we?

what's your you-ness about? 

But, what is there about you that makes you, well......YOU? Take a moment to think about the things about you that can't be separated from who you are, that so completely identifies you and leaves no doubt about their veracity?  

Are some answers already coming to mind? In my last post I wrote about moving on from being stuck. I believe that one of the ways to move through these periods of time is to know oneself. 

I first posed this question as a prompt in The Month of SELF-Love back in February of 2016.

It's also why I created the guide Your Personal Manifesto as a FREE downloadable pdf to help those who haven't a clue or want to revisit what their you-ness is about. 

On Instagram recently I wrote this post as Part 1 of the re-introduction of me as I step into my new role as a Life Coach. And I thought this would be a perfect time to revisit my answers to this question as Part 2 of the re-ntroduction of Grace. 

And you know what? My answers are all still the same! This IS my you-ness* to a tee! 

[*I know, I know, you-ness is not a real word, but it could be, right?]


So here goes....

choose 5 words to describe your YOU-ness and write why.  

1.  Quiet - I wanted to use the word introvert, which i know i am, but the word quiet describes me much better.  

I crave alone time.  I love the quietness of the house when everyone is gone, doing their thing and there are no sounds in the house......well, except the snoring of #coopthedog.

I've never felt it necessary to fill the air with talk.  you know, to talk for the sake of talking.  I internalize things quite a lot and think them thru in my mind. What's my superpower?  Being quiet.   Oh definitely, yes.


2.  Authentic - I know what you're thinking. it's a word that's used quite often these days (the proverbial buzz word) but it truly describes me, my outlook on life and my value set.  

I believe in working and living from my core center, accessing that place inside that lets me be me and bringing that to the forefront at all times.  

One of my favourite hashtags is #inthismoment. When I use it, part of the call is stepping in authenticity with my own type of grace and power, BE-ing focused in that one moment in time, capturing all of me in one quick, fleeting instance.


3.  Vibrant-  growing up I was so quiet that, looking back I think I missed out on all things fun.  I've learned over the years that not only do I have a voice but that I needed to let go of holding back and thoroughly enjoy myself. I mean why not, right?.  

For me that means belting out a song or taking dance breaks or surrounding myself with bright, vibrant over-the-top colours.  

Being vibrant for me means not being afraid to make mistakes or say the wrong thing or being embarrassed by being "seen". Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived and, I do so knowingly now.  A vibrant creative...that's me ya'll!


4. Observant - from as long as I can remember I have been a keen observer of people, their behaviours and quirks (must have been channelling life coaching way back then too!)  

I am continually fascinated with the hows & whys of us human beings as we move thru life.  

Being observant is exactly how I found the "forest nymph" below (she was sitting in a clearing as we hiked down a path. I had to turn back and ask for a photo),

Being observant is how I know my kids need a kind word rather than a stern voice (despite the fact that the wrong they did probably deserved the latter).

I can take in a whole lot of info in at once and totally love that aspect about me.

5. Meticulous - I think I have OCD. No really.....well maybe not, lol. It might be just OCD tendencies cause I really prefer things orderly (see #4 above). If something's not in order, I notice it and it will messed with my brain enough as I'm working or watching tv that I have to fix or straighten.

confession: I love to see things lined properly, just a small quirk of mine

I've always been more of a rule follower but, over the years, have slowly been breaking that boring habit.  Because of my meticulous nature, however you'll know things will be done really well but, most definitely, I'm gonna have fun doing it. And, if you're around, be prepared to laugh....often.

Phew!  There you have it, a little bit more about me. Now it's your turn. Grab a piece of paper and write down 5 words that describes your YOU-ness. 

Leave a comment below telling us one of the 5 words you came up with that makes you soooooo you. I would definitely love to know. 

