Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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Courage to release the familiar and embrace the new

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is not meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and the exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power ~ Andy Cohen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - change there is power.


in yesterday's minisode of Soul Speak with Grace i talk about paying attention and course correcting, and how in order to manifest that change we first need to see, then do.  that means paying attention to what's going on in you and around you, then course correct when needed.

as i mention in the video, one of my favourite ways to bring in a new season is to check in on my WOTY.  this year my word of the year is "and..." such a simple word but I think it speaks volumes for my life in 2017.  but you might be asking right about now.....

what does my WOTY have to do with paying attention and course correcting?

in order to course correct one needs to pay attention to where you are.  as well, you need to have some sort of inkling of where you want to be.

my WOTY does that for me and it's why i constantly check in with it.  right now in particular because the life coaching training i'm participating in will be transitioning in about a month to a different aspect of the program.

because i want to connect this new adventurous phase of mine with the journaling part of my business, this paying attention gets me to begin thinking about how i want to implement this change { the 2nd part of this 2-parter....course correcting }.  so my question for you is...

what do you need to pay more attention to?

where do you need to hold up the mirror or, better yet, a magnifying glass in your life, in your job or your business, in your relationships, in your health in order to begin course correcting?

because when we tune in, it's these Soul whispers that ultimately guides and steer us along our path....if we choose to listen.

it's your turn.  get out your journal and write the heartwords that will help create a clearer picture for you to begin your course correcting.

[bctt tweet="In change there is power  ~Andy Cohen " username="kgracehowes"]

toodles, Grace

p.s.  don't forget to leave a note in the comments { or by email } on what comes up for you after listening to the video

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