But the doubts keep popping up. They constantly swirl in your mind.

Mainly about if you’re good enough to _________________ (fill in the blank with your regular not-enoughness thought)

You’re starting to realise that your negative thoughts are stopping you from creating the biz results you know you’re capable of.




(not to mention having more regular $10K+ months???? Yes, please!)

And how can you figure out what’s causing the stuck without having to hire an expensive coach?

As a mindset mentor & coach, I knew my clients needed a way to FULLY EXPRESS what was going on behind the scenes in their minds.

They needed something to further help them get to the underbelly of why they always got in their own way, even when things seemed to be going well.

But procrastination, doubt and self-sabotage always found a way in.

I needed a way to witness their thoughts and what they were experiencing…in between our calls.

So I had them start writing in a Biz Journal. A notebook that would be used ONLY for their thoughts concerning business.

It completely changed how they operated.

AND, it brought more focus and insight to our weekly calls. We both got to see what was really going on. Our work could then be customized to help countermand the internal information they were holding on to.

My clients now know that THE BEST WAY to get to the information that’s bottled up inside, waiting to be released, is to journal their thoughts. That’s because…


It takes you deep. Much deeper than just reciting affirmations (or running models) ever will.

Journaling helps you get to the root cause of what’s going on. It helps to slow down your rambling thoughts and, as a side benefit, decrease your mental stress.

Journaling for your business is the way through the gunk.

I wanted to find a way to share this brilliant resource with other entrepreneurs, women, like you, who weren’t my clients…..yet.

THIS e-course is the answer to help YOU harness your thoughts, and get to what’s causing you to pull back and hesitate to show up, all without having to wait to hire a coach.

It’s YOUR turn to take the reins.


Break FREE from the doubt!

UNLOCK your biz brain.


The Biz Journaling Ecourse. . .

is a self-paced program that shows you not only how to journal the right way but also helps you understand what you wrote so you can clear up the dang bottleneck.

You’ll learn how to effectively use the information you find so you STOP getting in your way.

You’ll utilize exercises and specific writing prompts created for you as an entrepreneur, to help you go to greater depths of knowledge, more than you thought was possible on your own.

And the biggest benefit is that you will create a sustainable, release habit for the future of your business.


It’s time to bring light to those shadowy places within.

It’s time to get to the mental clarity and focus you need so you show up in your business ready to tackle anything!

Because you’ll have an easily accessible tool always readily available to use whenever you need it.

This one.jpg


  1. I’ll go over the basics of journaling—how to use it for your business PLUS, how to write more effectively to access what your heart is holding so close.

  2. I’ll share the difference between personal and business journaling and why it’s a necessary tool for any entrepreneur. 

  3. You’ll be guided on different ways to start each session to help you open up your mind portal and gain access to your inner wisdom.

  4. I’ll show you how to make your writing practice more consistent and how to make it beneficial to you.

  5. Plus, you’ll get immediate access to 50+ writing prompts you can use at any time to help you go even deeper.

Each of the exercises and prompts touches on specific topics entrepreneurs, like you, regularly experience so you get the answers you need for exactly what you’re going through.

For those times when you need to write but don’t have access to your journal, I’ll show you how to transcribe your words into your biz journal so you keep a consistent record of your business journey.

PLUS…..if you’ve never journaled before, the course offers specific tips and suggestions to help you personalize your beginning journey.


Your Investment:
$89 USD

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“I’m not much of a writer. I normally use my journal for lists and doodles, but I had several aha moments and even had a breakthrough during one of the writing exercises.”

~ Kris

“Sometimes just writing out a limiting belief I’d been holding on and then looking at what I’d written was enough to realize how very nonsensical it really was.”

~ Erika


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SELF-INQUIRY is the process.
SELF-DISCOVERY is the result.


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Will I get complete access to all of the content right away?

Yes, access to all 4 Modules of videos, worksheets & prompts will be available immediately upon purchase.

NB: This course was formerly called A Deeper Calling, referenced in some of the vidoes.

How long will the course be available?

Once enrolled in the course you will always have ongoing access to it + any new teachings or tools that are added. High fives!

What tools will I need for the course?

The basic materials for the course are a pen and a new journal. Simple and a willingness to be open to the journey you'll be going on.

Will there be a payment plan offered?

There are currently no payments plans in place at this time.

Will there be a community group available to ask questions and get support?

At the moment there is no active group to access. Any questions you have please direct them to me at