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It’s time. . .

…to shower yourself with a bounty of SELF-love.

SELF-love is compassion directed inward,
a way of directing the mind to take care of the SOUL
so that acceptance and kindness sway true.

5 Deep Breaths is simply 5 days for you to get more fully engaged in connecting with yourself and to shift your focus into being more empathic and kind to the whole of you.

Moving through these exercises you will gain:

  • a deeper, more profound connection to your innate wisdom

  • more sustained self-compassion

  • reconnection to your inner divine, that beautiful soul center of you

  • a path to start or renew a journaling practice

  • a celebration and acceptance of all parts of you…the light and the shadows

My mission in creating these 5 days of introspective work is to show you how to create a continuing practice of self-care and to make time for these moments of SELF-love.

More about 5 Deep Breaths. . .

For 5 consecutive days, you will experience one simple but beautiful lesson of intentional deep breath each day.

And because each lesson takes a minimal time to complete, 10- 20 minutes at most, your schedule will not be heavily impacted, but your engagement in each lesson will allow for a bigger opportunities to dance with yourself in more meaningful ways in sweet individual moments throughout your day.

Each day’s exercise builds one upon the other, guiding you in creating space for yourself while allowing you to take the necessary time you need each day to celebrate you and direct some love inward.


What supplies do you need?

  • A journal

  • Your favourite pen

  • A camera (the camera on your phone will work) plus, you’ll need one more more thing....

An open mind and a willing heart to begin receiving the LOVE you deserve.


NOTE: it's important you choose a pen you enjoy writing with because that helps make the journaling process so much more enjoyable and accessible.



Ready to begin your journey?