Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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your gifts & bad-assery {yup, i said it}

create a practice of recording even the boring and mundane bitsbecause these are a part of the life you live

~ jeanette leblanc ~

i’m journaling out loud for 2 reasons: 1. to let you see how easy it is to begin a journaling practice and 2. to challenge you to commit to writing your heartwords daily.  JOIN ME.

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daily snippet

After listening to the book "Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes these last few days I am blown away by the realization of how many people both famous and regular ordinaries like me have this thing with hiding their light, Shonda Rhimes being one of them. Who the heck knew???? It just goes to show that you can never, ever judge a book by its front cover.

I mean really, look at me, forever in the shadows looking out and only letting the spotlight catch me ever so fleetingly. These last couple of years have been revealing to me in that I realize I won't melt or shrink or even die from exposure (haha). Seriously tho, I knew I wouldn't but the brain is a funny instrument in our lives in how it picks up so well on our insecurities and blows them all out of proportion. We have to work hard at seeing the other more positive side of things more often I think.

I've been figuring out and trying to answer this one question about me the last few years and listening to her book it felt wonderful knowing that I was able to so clearly state in that moment what mine are. Phew! This process has been hard and rocky and stagnant and exasperating had me flailing about at times but it's oh so exciting when I could finally hone in on my soul special gifts. Yes. Yes. Yes, Yes. Yes.

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what are your gifts?

what is it that only you have, that you get to share, that is the awesomeness of you?

if you don't know, your job, today, right now is to go on a quest to find out and proclaim it loudly, often & with intention.  your Soul demands it of you!

know why! cause only you have the gift of YOU.  nobody else is like you, nobody thinks like you do, nobody feels like you do.  know that you are special and be grateful for The Universe blessing you with your gifts, your powerful awesomeness. 

the corresponding mini episode on SOUL speak is about honing in on our Gifts and showing up with some serious bad-assery?  { listen to audio below or click here to watch video }

See this content in the original post

that’s it for now.



want to read more of my daily snippets? click here

p.s.  i want to share with you a page from the daily om that speaks so beautifully about using your own unique gifts to express yourself and to share with your community.  enjoy the read.