Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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quit playing the catch-up game for good

what do  you do when playing catch-up is not enough?  ....when the game of catch-up looks like a big gigantic rock rolling down a hill that suddenly begins to roll back up toward you?  totally not an impossible feeling, right?  what do you do?

    stop.                   breathe.               reassess.

stop the cycle.......take time for breath.......reassess the situation.

and you know what?  this is what i'm experiencing right now { what?  i'm not supposed to reveal my struggles??? }.  as i sat at my desk last week looking at my list of tasks i still needed to complete i knew something had to change.  every week i create my to-do lists. every day i pick at least 3 tasks to work on and ,invariably, by the end of the week my list looked like this.

see all those arrows *....that's carry over.  that's me playing catch up next week....again.  so i stopped, took a much needed deep breath and push my chair back.  i was outta there.

was it escape? yes.  did i need it?  yes.  i have been on the proverbial hamster wheel long enough trying to catch up each month on activities and creating content and admin and revamping and redesigning and being present online........... and yet still find myself caught out.

don't you hate that feeling, where no matter what you do it's....

just.  not.  enough. 

and truth be told......that's where i am.  i've got a got a few things going on, not able to give my full attention to any  and yet nothing gets completed.  it's bothering me enough that i've decided to take drastic measures { sometimes you just gotta do the BIG girl panties stuff and live with it! }

so i'm going underground.  don't worry, it's just for the month of april { as you have seen already with no posts on my blog yet }.  

i've been going, going, going, plus developing, filming and editing a new course for SPECTRUM { that beautiful holistic creative course with a vibe oh-so close to my heart starts in may by the way } plus also trying to ramp up my presence online  and, before i get to that space of overwhelm and burnout i've decided to stop.  take a breath.  reassess

playing catch-up

can be a dangerous game stepping back especially if your work is mainly seen online but sometimes you need to hit the pause button and take a step back.

what i'm aiming for with this pause is calmer days, a more focused presence and being able to get all my little ducks lined up much better

{ cause i'm quite ocd like that...i like things organized darn it! }.  

my word of the year is holding space....and that's exactly what my word of the year is about ....holding space.

but not to worry, i'll pop in every once in a while to say "hey y'all!" or "i'm still here people!" but, for the most part i'll be working behind the scenes lassoing that rock and rolling it down the hill to a great landing spot.

what could you do if you could hit the reset button?

let me know in the comments below how you stop playing the catchup game?

{ update: wordpress is def playing a game with me.  was brought to my attention that you won't be able to leave a comment { bummer! } but i still want to hear from you sosend me an emailinstead and let's talk. thanks! }

toodles, G

p.s.  next week on the blog i'll have one more spot to giveaway in the SPECTRUM holistic creative workshop that starts may 2nd. Look for that post soon!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


*  to keep me on task i use a bullet journal in a midori traveler's notebook.  these days i stitch my own notebooks to use in my midori.  one of those tasks that has me going underground is that i'm stitching up new notebooks that will be added to my shop soon.

p.p.s.  want more info about the bullet journal...find out more about them here.