Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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daily snippets :: oct 30

create a practice of recording even the boring and mundane bits because these are a part of the life you live

~ jeanette leblanc ~

i’m journaling out loud for 2 reasons: 1. to let you see how easy it is to begin a journaling practice and 2. to challenge you to commit to writing your heartwords daily.  JOIN ME.

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daily snippet

A revelation sitting in sb after a walk in Mount Tabor Park:

Tho I love, love making, don't want to be known for the things I make, i'd rather be known for the lives I've changed. This, my dear journal, is BIG. Finally can see the mountains for the trees & why I never wanted to nor felt comfortable pursuing individual recognition and receive accolades for the art I produced. Makes so so much sense to me now. Only took 20+ yrs to wade thru, of standing on others' shores to realise that's not how I want to sail my boat.

Ahhhh....the magic of being open to both your own truth being revealed and perfect destiny. And.......always striving to live thru authenticity.

Yes. This.

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how did this come about?

sitting in starbucks i started reading the magazine i'd brought with me.  because i'm working on a bringing The JOURNAL Collective to life { my new subscription based journal service coming in November 2016, subscribe below to hear about juicy details }.  i don't get much of a chance to do leisurely reading, it's more researching and editing content these days.  today when hubby suggested a walk in the park then a warm up in a coffee shop after i jumped at the chance to just bring a magazine that i'd been eyeing to finish it.  it's only as i read the words of artist cheryl dossey { in her response to somerset life magazine's challenge } that the proverbial penny dropped.....

"being a mixed media artist, this call roused promising ways to add texture and my work"

don't know why her words resonated the way they did but geez it was like the old v8 tv commercial where the person thunks himself on the head realizing he "should've had a v8 instead" of whatever he was drinking.  i got thunked y'all.

things were that revelatory.

i had no paper with me { yeh, who the heck knew i'd need paper says the paper junkie!!! } so immediately i jumped on evernote, my go-to digital journal, to record my thoughts above.  for the last 7 mths i've been working on repositioning and redirecting my efforts to get them more aligned with my purpose.

in january i'll start a 9 mth program where i'll get he chance to learn the skills needed to fulfill my purpose and out world!

that's it for now.



{ here's a link to a video I recorded as well ... }




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