Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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15 minutes of colour explosion { #99of 100}

when we moved to portland the only space for my studio was in the corner of our bedroom.  so the walk to work takes all of 3 steps { heehee }.  the other day feeling totally yucky but, knowing i had work to do, i gathered my computer, a notebook, my fave coleto pen and snuggled under the covers.somehow i knew i'd be working in small bursts cause as the tired 'n yucky and can-do-no-more-or-my-head-will-burst feeling arose all i would have to do is push everything away and rest.  that was my day.

...till about 5pm when the push and pull got to me and i needed a change of pace.  that's when, 2 feet away, my muse began calling to me.

you ever have a conversation in your head where 1 side says "DO IT!" and the other side says "nahhhh, let's really.....don't."?  i was fighting and urging myself at the same time.

my muse won with 1 compromise.  she got 15 minutes max then back to bed cause i could feel  my body still wans't feeling all that good but my mind needed the distraction.

i began with a swath of watercolour across a page in my art journal that had already had the papers glued down.

it needed bold strokes.  i felt the muse direct me next to a big flower stamp.  most of the rubber stamps in my collection are much smaller, less bold.  when i bought this { and another one like it } oh so long ago i did wonder what the heck i would do with them.  last time i think i used either of them was at least 3 yrs ago, but today, i was just doing as i was bid.

i stamped them twice.  at first, this unnerved me because  i usually don't use stamps in this way but then, was called to stamp a few more all over the page instead of my usual of smaller stamp used for detail work and sprinkled throughout but, as this was just supposed to be 15 minutes i didn't argue with my muse.

wanting to add more colour but not knowing where to head next i rummaged thru my art cabinet and came upon my cray-pas oil pastels.  because i love colour sooo darn much i pulled out 6 - orange, green, blue, pink, red, yellow - and coloured each flower in.  the thought popped into my head "where the heck was i going with this?".  yet i stayed the course.

there seemed to be a competition between the watercolour background and the oil pastel flowers.  you know who won out don't you?  watered down gesso came next to tone down the background a bit.  and then in a move that made no sense { since i had just muted things } i sprinkled colorburst watercolour powders all over the page in just warm colours at first { see video of them coming alive with water }.

looks a total mess right? and yet still, i stayed the course.  i came upon a quote to use but ended up using something different in the end, not wanting to add too many words.  i wrote using the white oil pastel to act as a resist to the colourburst powders.


as the watercolours powders dried the colours receded a bit.  i like where i left it but i think there's more to be done and will revisit this page another time.  for muse was satisfied and let me lie down again.


#99of100    #ARTPLAYeveryday    #redbarnstudiosart