Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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it's the 100 days of art :: january recap y'all!

i did it!  i've truly started and so far so good.  back in january i posted about my 100 days of art { read that post here }.  i am so excited about this challenge that i'll be carrying straight thru the whole year of 2016.

yay me right!!!

my original plan was to do a weekly recap { whoa girl..pull up on them britches a bit! }.  don't think that's feasible so instead i'll be doing a monthly recap.  you'll see all the artwork i've worked on during the month but not all of them will count towards my 100 pieces, some of them are works that i started before the challenge and pulled out to work on them some more or, in some cases, finish them.

{ if you follow me on instagram, which you are doing right???, you'll see me countdown the numbered pieces that are part this challenge }

and here goes...

playing with alcohol inks & white signo pen doodling. { you can purchase a print of this bad boy here }Doodle on Alcohol Ink-100 days of art

last year decided to wanted to work in the round...ehh, not enamored with this one, she thinked too much on this one In the Round-100 days of art

playing with alcohol ink again, research work for a class on alcohol ink i'm developing for later this year { sign up here to get email notice when this class goes LIVEAlcohol Ink Play-100 days of art

when i created this one i was feeling sick most of day but needed to be creative so a quick jaunt to my artspace and then back in bed for me { completing this just about wasted me. ha! }Experience Life-100 days of art

more alcohol ink play... flipping heck i love this medium!!!!!detail-100 days of art

inking it up again!!!  whoop whoop! Vase of Alcohol Ink-100 days of art

ok i did tell you that i'm experimenting with alcohol ink right? heehee.  this one i worked up on a previously painted page in my art journal Flowers in Her Wake-100 days of art

have been having this love affair with watercolours for the past few months.  girl cannot get enough of watching the colours move and pool across the paper. Watercolour Feather-100 days of art

"green girl"  she's one from her!!!! Green Girl-100 days of art

okay that's it folks.  february's artwork will be coming up rather soon.  gonna try for posting these monthly recaps toward the end of the month rather than in the middle of the following month.  so.....

what creative artplay did you get up to?   

share whatcha been doing over on instagram using the hashtag #ARTPLAYeveryday.  let's keep these creative juices flowing people!

toodles y'all, G