15 lessons to learn from journaling

I'm not one to say write down your feelings, record your day or spill your guts. Writing your heartwords through journaling is so much more than a spillage of words on paper. It’s about getting in touch with your Soul’s spirit and allowing her words of wisdom and light to come forth. 

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How to journal better

What if every week a prompt showed up in your inbox and all you had to do was commit to the practice. No more thinking of what you’ll write (I know that that can put a serious kink the works big time!) 

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Comfort zones. . . why you need to ditch them

Our comfort zones are comfortable because they have us not taking risks which means we remain small, and continue to hide our brilliant light. Isn't it time to ditch the comfort zones and begin living LIFE again?  

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How to Make Vulnerability Work For You Instead of Against you

Why do we stop dead in our tracks when we come face to face with the thing we want? It's all about a teeny tiny thing called TRUST. Find out how I make my own vulnerability work for me and not against me. 

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What's your you-ness about?

What's your you-ness about?  What is there about you that makes you, well......YOU? Take a moment to think about the things about you that can't be separated from who you are, that so completely identifies you and leaves no doubt about their veracity. That's what I did. 

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